Australian Government - Australian Maritime Safety Authority
Certified extract of Register payment authorisation

Use this page to request and pay for a certified extract of Register for a ship that is currently or has previously been registered on the Australian General Shipping Register or Australian International Shipping Register. Extracts are not available for ships that have never been Australian registered.

1 Applicant Details

First name
Last name
Email We will send a receipt to this email

2 Certified extract of Register details

Ship name
Ship identifier (official number) If known, please provide the official number or IMO number of the ship. We are not able to search for ships by a unique vessel identifier (UVI) or state registration number.
Required date of extract The extract will be provided as at the date of processing if no date is specified

3 What you are paying for

This application is to request a certified extract of Register for a registered ship
Total to pay (AUD)

How to submit your request

Your request for a certified extract of Register will be lodged when your payment is confirmed on the next screen. We will contact you if any further information is required, otherwise the extract will be sent to the email address provided within 2 business days of receiving your payment (unless a future date has been selected).

Please note, due to the transfer of ships’ mortgages from the Australian Register of Ships to the Personal Properties Security Register (PPSR) on 30 January 2012 the Shipping Registration Office does not register any ships’ mortgages or discharge any mortgages. Please contact the PPSR at or for information regarding mortgages / discharge of mortgages.

The collection of personal information requested in this form is to facilitate a process under the  Shipping Registration Act 1981 (the Act) and will be handled in accordance with the  Privacy Act 1988. Your personal information will be used for purposes related to the Act. Failure to provide the information will result in the transaction not being processed. For more information on how to access or correct your personal information or how to make a privacy complaint, visit
AMSA form: 204
Version: 2 7/24