Australian Government - Australian Maritime Safety Authority
Shipping Registration Payment Authorisation

These application fees relate to registration on the Australian General Shipping Register and Australian International Shipping Register.

Use this page to pay for your application by credit card, Apple Pay, or Google Pay. Once you have paid, you will see a payment reference number that will need to be recorded on your application form.

For information on Shipping Registration fees or other payment options, click here. Application fees are non-refundable.

A certified extract of Register can be ordered and paid for here.

To pay domestic commercial vessel application fees, see Payments for domestic commercial vessels.

1 Applicant details

Family name
Given name

Email We will send a receipt to this email
Company (if applicable)
ABN (if applicable)
Ship name For existing registered ships provide the current ship name; for new registrations provide the proposed ship name

2 What you are paying for

This application is for the registration of a commercial vessel 24 metres or more in tonnage length by an Australian owner (does not include fishing vessels)
This application is for the registration of vessels less than 24 metres in tonnage length or in an exempt category i.e. pleasure craft, fishing vessels or government vessels, by an Australian owner
This application is only for the registration of foreign owned vessels operating under a demise charter agreement with an Australian operator
This application is suitable where full registration cannot be completed before departing to or from a foreign port - an application for provisional registration certificate must be made with an application for registration and both fees paid
This application is to extend the expiry date, if full registration cannot be completed before the provisional registration certificate expires
This application is to extend the time you have to complete your application for registration by 6 months

This application is for the transfer of ownership of an existing registered commercial vessel 24 metres or more in tonnage length, where the vessel is sold to another Australian
This application is for the transfer of ownership of an existing registered vessel less than 24 metres in tonnage length or in an exempt category i.e. pleasure craft, fishing vessels or government vessels, where the vessel is sold to another Australian
This application is only for foreign owned vessels operating under a demise charter agreement with an Australian operator, where a change of ownership has occurred
This application is for the transmission of ownership of an existing registered commercial vessel 24 metres or more in tonnage length, where there is a transmission of ownership by operation of law to another Australian
This application is for the transmission of ownership of an existing registered vessel less than 24 metres in tonnage length or in an exempt category i.e. pleasure craft, fishing vessels or government vessels, where there is a transmission of ownership by operation of law to another Australian
This application is only for foreign owned vessels operating under a demise charter agreement with an Australian operator, where a transmission of ownership by operation of law has occurred

This application is to change the name of an existing registered ship
This application is to change the home port of an existing registered ship




Total to pay (AUD)

How to submit your application
  1. Record your payment reference number in the ‘Submitting your application’ section on your application form
  2. Post your application and any supporting documentation to the Shipping Registration Office

Postal deliveries:
Shipping Registration Office
PO Box 255
Coffs Harbour NSW 2450

Courier deliveries:
Shipping Registration Office
Level 2, 28 Gordon Street
Coffs Harbour NSW 2450
Australia / +61 2 6279 5925

Note: Applications for a continuous synopsis record can be emailed to

The collection of personal information requested in this form is to facilitate a process under the  Shipping Registration Act 1981 (the Act) and / or SOLAS and will be handled in accordance with the  Privacy Act 1988. Your personal information will be used for purposes related to the Act and / or SOLAS. Failure to provide the information will result in the transaction not being processed. For more information on how to access or correct your personal information or how to make a privacy complaint, visit
AMSA form: 114
Version: 1 8/24